

*     Procedure text is a text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social function is to describehow something is completely done through a sequence of series. Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps. There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is goals or purposes. The second is materials or tools. The third and the last are steps or methods. To know the text that we read is procedure or not is so simple. You can read the title if the title is started with ‘how to make…’ or ‘how to use…’ it can be certainly that the text is procedure text.

·       Generic Structure Procedure Text
1.     The Goal of Activity
In this section, the author tries to explain what will be made or achieved through a series of steps that will be explained in the next paragraph so that the reader does not misunderstand what is being said.
2.     Any Material Needed for Procedure
After the reader knows something that will be made or achieved, then the author describes the material or materials that must be prepared or needed so that something can be achieved well. So make sure all materials or materials are complete before you start making them.
3.      to Achieve the goal
If the materials or materials needed are complete, then the author notify the steps to be done in coherent or sequential. So in this section the author should explain it in sequence and should not jump-jump.
4.     Conclusion
The conclusion that contains the final outcome of what has been done in accordance with the steps that have been determined.

Example :
How to Make Orange Juice
*     SERVINGS 4-5
*     3 cups orange juice
*     Plain juicer
*     Ice Cubes
*     Glasses

Blend all ingredients with ice for 1 minute on high.
1. Soften the orange. Tightly squeeze or roll the oranges firmly with the palm of your hand across the counter or table to soften them up.
2. Slice the orange in half and remove the seeds.
3. Grip the one of the orange halves tightly and squeeze it by hand, using a plain juicer to coax all the juice out and pour the moisture into the glasses.
4. Scrape the orange with a spoon and add the pulp directly to the juice. Add some pinch of sugar for more flavors.
5 Drink up! Enjoy a crisp, cold glass of freshly squeezed orange juice!

*     Expressing of Persuading
Persuading is expressions to make someone agree to do something, make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to them and making them believe it. the act of influencing the mind by arguments  or reasons offered, with anything that moves the mind.

Expressions of Persuading :

* Come on.
* Give it a try.
* Try them on.
* Believe me, you’ll have fun times.
* Don’t be a spoilsport.
* It will be fun, I’m sure.
* You’ll 
enjoy it. Go.
* You won’t regret it.
* This is once in your lifetime, don’t waste it.
* It’s your only chance, try it.
* You wouldn’t find them twice, come on!
* You’ll never feel sorry 
about it.
• Would it be possible for you to …?
• Won’t you …, please?
• Why don’t you …?
• Please!
• Not even for me/for my sake?
• Just this once!
• You’re not going to let me down, are you?
• How I can persuade you to …?
• Could you/Couldn’t you be persuaded …?  

Dialogue of Persuading

Mark                : Anthony. What are you doing this evening? How about a movie?
Anthony          : Which one?
Mark                : There’s a good Indonesian movie at 21st theatre.
Anthony          : you know I don’t like Indonesian movies.
Mark                : Oh, Come on. I’ll sure you’ll enjoy this one.
Anthony          : I don’t enjoy Indonesian movies. I can’t follow the conversation fully.
Mark                : So what? We’re not Indonesian. Most of us are not able to follow the
               conversation fully. But there are so many other things you can enjoy.
Anthony          : That’s true.
Mark                : Then why don’t you come?
Anthony          : All right. I’ll be at the theatre at 7. Is that OK?
Mark                : Fine. See you at 7.
Anthony          : See you.

*     Convincing
 Is causing one to believe the truth of something; "a convincing story"; "a convincing manner".
Learn some expressions to convince others.
-          I assure you, I can do the job well.
-          I convince you, i’m the right person to do job.
-          I believe I am the only person who can finish this job on time.
-          I assure you, we can make it real.
-          I convince you to do what I say.
-          I believe you should decide your own decision.
-          I ensure you to believe me.

*     Obligation
An Obligation is a course of action that someone is required to take, whether legal or moral. There are also obligations in other normative contexts, such as obligations of etiquette, social obligations, and possibly in terms of politics, where obligations are requirements which must be fulfilled. These are generally legal obligations, which can incur a penalty for non-fulfilment, although certain people are obliged to carry out certain actions for other reasons as well, whether as a tradition or for social reasons.
*     Obligation in the present:
I have to finish my work before this evening.
I have got to learn English if I want to live in the USA.
I must see the doctor soon because I don't feel well.
It is obligatory that I stop when the traffic light turn red.
It is necessary that I take a taxi. I'm late.
*     Obligation in the past:
I had to work extra hours to pay my bills.
*     Obligation in the future:
I'll have to borrow money.

*    Necessity
Necessity is something that you must have or do : something that is necessary the quality of being necessary.

Examples of  Necessity

1. Sunscreen is an absolute necessity for the beach.
2. food, clothes, and other basic necessities
3. Getting plenty of rest is a necessity.
4. Without a car, living close to work is a necessity.
5. All we took with us on our hiking trip were the bare necessities.

I'm looking for Nicole. I have to talk to her about our launch date tomorrow. I can't meet her for launch because I have to go to a business meeting at 2:00.


*     Expressing suggestion/advice

*     Asking for advice
What do you think I should do?
What do you recommend we do about ... ?
What should I do?
What do you suggest?
What would you advice us to do?
What do you advise me to do?
If you were me what would you do?
What ought I to do?
Do you think that I should…?
Do you have any suggestions? 
What would you do about ...? 

*     Giving advice
If I were you I would/wouldn’t….
If I were in your shoes/position I would…
You had better/ you’d better…..
You should…
Maybe you should… 
Your only option is to….
Why don’t you….
Have you thought about….
Have you tried…
I would recommend that you ... 
My advice would be to ... 
May I suggest that we ...
If I were you, I would ...

*     Accepting advice
Yes, I agree with that.
That sounds like a good idea!
I don't think that's a good idea. 
OK, why don't we do that.
That's very interesting.  

*     Rejecting advice 
I'm sorry, i can't agree with that. 
I don't think we should do that. 
That's very interesting, but ...
I don't know what to advise, I'm afraid.
I wish I could suggest something, but I can't.
I wish I could help.
I'm afraid I can't really help you.

Example :
Student: I'm terrible at English and I think I should do something about it. What do you advise me to do?
Teacher: I think you should try this website www.iTapuih.com. It's a fantastic website for beginners.  
Student: I've heard about it, but what do you think I should start with?
Teacher: You'd better start with the lessons. Then, try the exercises. There are many English material on the website and also some exercises.
Student: I would like to improve my speaking. What should I do?
Teacher: You should watch English channels and listen English musics.
Student: Thank you sir.
Teacher: Don’t mention it
.u advise me to do?
Teacher: I think you should try this website www.iTapuih.com. It's a fantastic website for

*     Notice
Notice by oxforddictionaries.com means A displayed sheet or placard giving news or information or if we translate less or less bermaka sheet or plaque that tells about the information or news shown to the audience. Notice should be easy to understand and easy to read. Therefore, Notice usually always use simple words, written with a simple typeface as well, and large and clear fonts. Notice is generally placed in public places. Consider the following examples:

*     Advertisement

The ad (ad) is a text that has something to say appealing to many people and it adds a well known product in all the public.
Advertising (advertising) is a text that has the purpose to announce something to attract many people and a product is becoming increasingly popular in all the general public. Ads can be short text, images or short films, advertisements can be made to promote goods for sales, services, vacancies, homes, and others. Advertising usually pairs on television, banners, radio, newspapers, and mass media.

-        Purpose of advertisement

The purpose of the advertisement is to announce / advert about a case or a public, or in other words to introduce a product to the public in order to buy and attracted to the product being advertised.
The purpose of advertising is to announce / advertise about a thing or product to the public or in other words to introduce the product to the public in order to buy and be interested in the products advertised. Conceptually, the purpose of advertising in general is classified into 3 namely:

*     Memo
Memo (memorandum) is a very concise, solid and clear letter written for someone. Usually the Memo content directly states the intent of the Memo sender, in the absence of parts of other mail contents such as, opening greetings, and closing greetings.
-        Memo Functions
The memo is used as a form of communication that contains directives, requests, or information about something to do or resolve immediately.
Example :
To: Ani Afira, S.kom
From: Lisa Zahra, S.Pd.
Date: January 29th, 2015
Subject: Proposal of International Conference 2015

  During the next month on February 7th, we will make a special International Conference, which will be attended by all the high student from 27 countries. The Conference will discuss about the International Science Competition in the next year. Please send me proposal about this event as soon as possible to my room this afternoon.


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